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March 22, 2012


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Also, too, Karl? Snort my taint.(tm)


The only reason they even went to Afghanistan at all was because Tony Blair wouldn't get on board unless they went to Afghanistan first.

All the Shrub cabal could think about was how to game 9/11 to justify invading Iraq!

kathy a.

can't rove just go spend his retirement shooting set-up game and the occasional politician by accident? oh, wait -- that was cheney. i have so much trouble keeping historical figures straight. not that i'm saying they are non-straight! obviously, both are very studly, in the sense that one would not want to be within range of their personal weapons.

OBL was the reason we went to war over a decade ago. rove was behind the additional war in iraq, sold on fake reasons. and now he pops up again, like in whack-a-mole, saying OBL is no big deal?

rove's raves asserts that this recession was no big deal:

As for inheriting the worst economy since the Great Depression: Perhaps Mr. Obama has forgotten the Carter presidency, which featured double-digit inflation, double-digit interest rates, and high unemployment.

excuse me, but i lived through the carter administration, and it was not nearly as bad as what the shrub administration delivered. also, i'm kinda getting sick of hearing about how obama hasn't rescued the economy completely, when every single GOP official -- having set up the failure -- has done their absolute damnedest to make sure no domestic good happens under obama's watch.

jeanne marie

Lying liars.

kathy a.

what's going on? commments closed for the latest post. seems like one of those accidental closures, again.


forewarned is forearmed, trying to add a comment before investing too much time.

Sir Charles

Please no.

Sir Charles

Seems to have fixed itself.

God knows I didn't do it.


Looks like it worked.

The WSJ is just the respectably dressed up big brother of Faux news. Anything owned by Murdoch has zero credibility.

Turdblossom is actually rather flattering to decribe carl rove.

kathy a. Yeah, I was in grad school during the big oil embargo, we managed. Carter, bless his soul, was a victim of his own convictions. He actually bought into the superstition that the big dog in the sky would guide his hand.

If I recall correctly, for about 16 years there was literally no one to vote for. Only vote against as the lesser of two evils. A truly useless gesture given that there was no way to actually tell which was the lesser in the long run.

jeanne marie - professional liars. Those that can spell liar at any rate. In a former (not latter) day, they would have been readily identifyable as hucksters and con men and many of them would have suffered mistreatment at the hands of the populus. Today, they have impressive influence because they can lie with impunity.

Perhaps most worrying of all is that most people do not seem to notice or even care that they are being lied to. Perhaps they have never experienced the effects of trying to live a lie, or more likely, they have for all their lives lived a lie and been able by cheating others, to avoid any deleterious effects from doing so.

I'd say this. When, I think it was a Joe Wilson, a congressman shouted aloud, you lie, at Obama as he addressed congress and there was NO reaction whatsoever by the legislative body, I realized two things. Representative democracy in the US is already dead. And the second, it is only a matter of time until the mass will have to revolt against their masters. The operative word is intolerable.

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