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December 06, 2010


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MR Bill

Here is a clip of Ruth Underwood (and Deweezle Zappa) talking about the lovely insane 'irish reel' on the marimba.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YSavN19ZJ4g

MR Bill

And, here, proof that it is a good (if tragically over played) song, Ms. Dolly Parton's cover of "Stairway.." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJHjQ81JtY0
When I heard about it, I thought it was a joke.
It ain't.
Of course, she can do no wrong in my eyes, but this is really surprisingly good.

kathy a.

i'm savoring the stairway to gilligan -- will save dolly for later. ;)


Julian Assange has just been arrested in London. The Australian Government will no doubt abandon him to his fate, as they did David Hicks when he was thrown into Guantanamo. Leaking the State Department's memos about suborning international justice systems doesn't seem to change their behaviour, at least, not yet.

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