« Because litbrit needs cheering up today, damn it: Margot Fonteyn and Rudolf Nureyev; Swan Lake, 1966 | Main | Today in fortuitously appropriate radio »

February 02, 2010


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The boys all wish you a wonderful day, C. Check your voice mail!

jacqueline klein

happy birthday, sir charles...
happy birthday, sir charles...
happy birthday, dear sir charles,
happy birthday to you!!

wishing you much happiness and appreciation
on your birthday...
and and many, many more!!

jacqueline klein

here is a little joke..to remind you to keep your wits about you!
i moved to a retirement community, and the folks here make gentle, self-effacing jokes about growing older....here is one to make you smile on your birthday!

a lady called "911" and said, everything has been stolen from my car...the steering wheel, the gas pedal...the brake...everything! please send someone over right away."
the dispatch sent a car, and shortly after it arrived, the police officer called the dispatcher...and said, "nothing happened here. she just got in the back seat by mistake!"

so, sir charles, keep reading and writing and loving your life!

jacqueline klein

i want to write something else for you.
sometimes, as we grow older, we feel that life is closing down on us.
yet, since i have moved to the community, i have never, (emphasis on never) met so many people who are so appreciative and positive in their spirits, and enjoy every single day as the people here.
i go to a ballroom dance group, and there is a woman, who is so fragile, but dances so beautifully, with dips and twirls and complicated steps...all dressed up and beautiful. she is one hundred and one years old!
the numbers of people here who are in their eighties and nineties, and creating, volunteering, contributing and still filled with laughter, wisdom and humor....it makes me truly believe that the best is yet to come, when i, myself, felt that at sixty, the best years of my life were behind me.
these people have been great teachers and inspirations for me.
life is what you make it....and each day is so precious...and there is always something to live for.

jacqueline klein

and here is a special birthday present, after which, you must give someone that you love, a mighty hug:-)



Jacqueline, Whoa, that was beautiful.

MR Bill

And, for a comic greeting card, Little Feat:


Happy Birthday Sir Charles!

low-tech cyclist

Sir Charles:

Happy birthday to you,
you belong in the zoo,
you look like a monkey,
and you smell like one too!

Hey, I'm a traditionalist. And that's the way we always sang it when I was growing up!

Sir Charles

Thank you all. So far I don't feel any the worse for wear. And given the alternatives . . . .

minstrel hussain boy

happy b-day SC. keep fighting the good fight. i know that you're not a happy warrior, or a tireless one.

fight the bastards, love your family, make some good music.

recipe for a meaningful life.

Sir Charles


Thank you -- that was lovely.


MR Bill,

I haven't listened to Little Feat in such along time. What a funky band. And with two great guitar players and great singers to boot. I did not realize that Lowell George had a Zappa connection. Evidently Frank was instrumental in helping them land a record contract.

l-t c,

I respect a man whop's a classicist at heart.


Thanks. I have to settle for listening to good music, given a lack of talent but I hope a discerning ear.

MR Bill

I have to settle for listening to good music, given a lack of talent but I hope a discerning ear.

The world needs audiences as much as singers....

kathy a.

hippo birdie, two ewe!

i was unduly influenced by sandra boynton in my formative years. but there is nothing wrong with wildlife celebrating the day!

kathy a.

jacqueline, i love that clip!

Sir Charles

Oy Sandra Boynton. She was ubiquitous at one point. I believe I gave that exact birthday card to someone in the 1970s. (Or received it.)

I prefer my anthropomorphism via the genius of Gary Larson.


LOVVVVVED Boynton! :)

(And Larson!)

kathy a.

SC, here's the card i'd send you, if they weren't all sold out. and if i knew your snail address. and if it wasn't already your birthday. http://www.curiosities.com/sp/CD6037.asp

kathy a.

eh, that one doesn't even feature cows. you'll need to come out to SF and see the larson exhibit at the california academy of sciences. http://www.calacademy.org/exhibits/academy_tour/naturalhistory/farside.html


Happy Birthday, Sir Charles!

big bad wolf

happy birthday, SC. thanks to you and D. for a great site that has had a great month even by its own high standards and in the face of some frustrating news for all of us politically

Sir Charles

Corvus and bbw,

Thanks. Sorry for the lack of posting. I was working on something tonight, but it got involved, plus had to do a couple of loads of laundry, pick up dry cleaning, pack for a road trip, walk the dog, and make an emergency food run for my 90-year old mother in law. We are getting hit with yet another snow storm here. It's like a real winter.

I am hoping it doesn't screw around with my 8:00 AM flight to Florida -- it's business, but the idea of sneaking in a little bit of 70 plus degree weather is seeming mighty appealing right now.

Of course if I get hung up in the airport that should help with the posting.


So, your birthday was pretty awesome then, I take it!

Oh, and let me just echo what bbw said. C and D, I really appreciate that you guys keep this place up and running. And here's hoping that some of the other frontpagers come back. (I really do miss arguing with Stephen.)

jacqueline klein

it is still your birthday out here in california.
you have over two more hours for revelry and merriment!!
keep celebrating!


Happy birthday pst.

Eric Wilde

Happy Birthday!

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