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January 27, 2010


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Scott Brown blew up his underwear? Why didn't I hear about this?!

kathy a.

darn, missed the live thread! and some of the speech, but liked what i heard. i really liked the jab at the supremes -- not personal, but substantive.


I'm so sorry about not setting the thread up sooner! We raced home from dinner downstairs at the Thai restaurant, and I hadn't coordinated with Sir C beforehand and didn't know if we were going to do a thread--hey, WE BELONG TO NO ORGANIZED BLOG, remember?!--so I thought, He might be out with his family or working late, I'd better get one going...

It's because we have no way to quickly get in touch with one another, you know? If only someone would invent something without wires that could transmit sounds or messages to another person in a different city on the other end. *sigh*


I thought most of the speech was good, and some of it was great (DADT, out of Iraq in August). EPIC FAIL on HCR, however, and that really leaves me in a sour mood. I'm surprised you liked that part, Chuck. He needed to lead, not plead. Also, the bit about "families are tightening their belts, and so should we" was a catastrophe. He's supposed to be the smart president, and he offers that weak bit of wrong-headed macro-economic advice?

Sir Charles


I actually thought he was pretty strong on health care, but the real test will be what he does to follow through.

I hate the family budget line -- first of all it is ridiculous as a matter of macroeconomics as you say. But it also isn't true. Families take on debt all the time to do things both necessary and frivolous, whether it be mortgages, student loans, car loans, etc. I have rarely balanced my budget in my adult life.

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