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October 26, 2009


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I hadn't considered how the Pope's entreaties to Anglicans would sit with the schsmatic conservative and African Anglicans -- that's a hilarious prospect. Glad you pointed that out.

I see that Benedict is also talking with the groups that were anti-Vatican II, or at least the Society of St. Pius X.

Not being a Catholic, it's all a bit much for me to process. But it's nice that he's putting so much effort into recruiting new priests rather than aggressively booting the pedophiles out of the clergy. From where I stand the RCC should be publicly apologizing, prostrate in St. Mark's Square, about that sorry history every day for the next few centuries. The Ryan Report alone makes any thought of moral instruction from this group laughably sickening.


From where I stand the RCC should be publicly apologizing, prostrate in St. Mark's Square, about that sorry history every day for the next few centuries

Yeah, there's enought to keep a couple of societies of perpetual prayer and penance busy.


Oh and Douthat is idiotic. I see he referred to distorted statements by the Archbishop of Canterbury about sharia. I'm amazed how silent people like Douthat are about rabbinical courts and Jewish women (the women's stories can be particularly heartbreaking) who feel they must pursue a "get."

Somehow it all becomes a "war of the worlds" for Douthat.

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It's hardly surprising that Rome would look to other sources of priests, particularly one that has managed to keep up a few standards over the years.

Prup (aka Jim Benton)

Another spammer, and what is becoming a familiar technique, copying a line from the original post as if it were a comment. (For some reason they always take an old post, maybe becausethey are hoping someone will look at it, but there isn't the give-and-take of a current one.)

Anyway, time to call Pest Control,


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