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October 05, 2008

"For Thoose Joe Sixpacks Out There Playin' a Drinkin' Game at Home: Maverick!"

Sometimes, by 11:30 on Saturday nights, I'm already in dreamland--and I'm a serious night person, which should tell you something about the life-altering properties of Having Children.  Other times, I'm distracted or busy or even (gasp) out painting the town blue (no, I haven't converted any of the die-hard 19%-ers I know--not yet--but I'm working on it.)  Since we're not yet dialed-in with a Tivo setup out here, I'm sooooooo glad (sorry!) that there's YouTube embeddable video at NBC: Tina Fey knocked another one out of the park here.  And Queen Latifah as Gwen Ifill is hands-down brilliant.  Enjoy! this before it gets pulled.


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Thank you, thank you, thank you a thousand times. I couldn't stay up late enough to watch it last night but was dying to see it!

There's a hulu link that shouldn't come down...


This video is edited...the first question went to "Biden" in the real video. You can find the video at nbc.com or at HuffPo.

Yes, this is a highlights reel.

Thanks, everyone. I've updated the post with the NBC video. (It wasn't available when I first awoke and saw a snippet of it on the news, so I went straight to YouTube.)

Being awake past 9:30 has become a challenge to me in the past few months, but not because I do a damn thing in the morning. PJ's and laptop and a cup of coffee.

pulled, then as we speak...
I just saw it on Pgon...NBC

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