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April 21, 2008

RedState's Attack On Google And Larry Lessig: EPIC FAIL!

Erick Erickson's new post at RedState is a perfect picture of the modern Republican Party. He's trying to turn his right-wing hordes against Google and Barack Obama by noting that Larry Lessig showed a sacrilegous YouTube at a Google employee event. The title of the post is: "Obama and Google's Mutual Adviser: Jesus is gay, wears a diaper, and gets run over." Why against Google? Because Google favors Net Neutrality. In big letters is the text: "Call the Senate Commerce Committee at 202-224-5115. Tell the committee it is abhorrent to have Larry Lessig parroting Google's call for open networks while Google censors and denigrates Christians." The post goes way further than that -- insinuating that Google is generally an anti-Christian organization and that Lessig is a Communist. In short, it's a naked attempt to get the religious right to do the dirty work of big corporations (the telecoms, in particular) who oppose net neutrality.

But this time, something really special happens. Most of his readers see right through it, in part because their relationship with Google and Lessig is a lot closer than a small-town wingnut's relation to gay people, or any wingnut's relation to actual Muslims. The first comment: "I think Lessig's "Creative Commons" license rocks. I use CC licensed material all the time when putting together presentations." Everybody there uses and enjoys Google and YouTube. It looks like there are more posts against the author than in his defense.


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Weird. I'd never heard that Google is anti-Christian. To the contrary, they recently hosted a talk by conservative minister Tim Keller as a part of their Authors@Google series in support of his new book The Reason for God.

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