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April 18, 2008

Friday Kitsch Cover

Paul Anka does "Smells Like Teen Spirit"

Leave your suggestions for next week's kitsch cover in the comments


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Bless you Nick.

'tis a travesty that must be shared with the world.

Has anyone checked to see if this was recorded before Kurt's suicide? Because if it was recorded before, a note wouldn't have been necessary. (I kid, I kid people.)

Is there a Youtube of his version of Wonderwall? Because that's even worse. I copied the whole Rock Swings CD from the library, just to see the horror on people's faces when one of his covers pops up on shuffle.

His Black Hole Sun is also wonderfully terrible.

Not kitsch, really --- more like abso-friggin-lutely awsome but:
Johnny Cash's cover of Soundgarden's "Rusty Cage"
Johnny Cash's cover of Nick Cave's "The Mercy Seat"
Dolly Parton's cover of "Stairway to Heaven"
Nanci Griffith's cover of Bob Dylan's "Boots of Spanish Leather."

Oh my god -- Anka does Blackhole Sun -- now if they aren't using that one at Gitmo they're really missing out on an opportunity.

If his "Black Hole Sun" and "Wonderwall" are even half as atrocious as his rendition of "Smells Like Teen Spirit," I'd say we've got an open-and-shut case against Anka for crimes against humanity.

To the Hague!


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