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April 26, 2013


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Dear Matt, Your mom and dad must be so proud. Sincerely.

Eric Wilde

I spend a good deal of time in India, about two months every year over the last ten years. The poverty there can be overpowering to just witness. I cannot imagine living under such dire straits.

Has this person seen someone actually starving? Has he ever been truly hungry himself?

Sir Charles


From the looks of him I am going to answer negatory on that one.

big bad wolf

wow, that's a really stunning piece of idiocy from matt y.

george jones was stone cold genius. i have mostly outgrown my younger way of measuring people by what music they like. but i still look askance at anyone who doesn't like george jones.


Young Matt is in Scrooge territory: his next post should be about Americans losing unemployment benefits due to the sequester, which would allow him to ask "are there no workhouses?"

Sir Charles


Scrooge was just a rational actor trying not to lose productive time to slackers who wanted a day off.


I don't want to abandon this thread, but truly, too depressing. Liberal ugly-Americanism is just as ugly as any other. Worse actually. We are the supposedly compassionate yet rational political actors. Abstractions in the land of poverty, no matter where, are venal. Fuck this cold-blooded calculus. Matt. Do some soul-searching. You've a voice you just abused. More in common with Romney than Scrooge, I'd say. Scrooge had a sadly heartbroken past.

What you all said. That.

low-tech cyclist

Crissa - I seem to be able to comment here OK. And those random moments when comments don't work happen to me just the same as with the rest of you.

I'll go ahead and open a new open thread anyway.

kathy a.

via balloon juice + chris clarke, here is what Lindsay Beyerstein has to say. note that US corporations (walmart; gap) were against a 10 cent per garment surcharge for workplace safety proposed in 2011.

Ken T

Personally, I gave up on Yglesias a long time ago. I think he's set his career path on following in Tom Friedman's footsteps.

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