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October 22, 2012


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kathy a.

where are you watching? i forgot where i watched last time!

kathy a.

i ended up on wapo feed, and the pre-debate thing seems to focus on mitt's baby boys.

kathy a.

oh, dear lord. lynn university must be a nice place, but that's a pretty long promo by the U president...

but MICHELLE is on! and Ann.

kathy a.

hmph. not so much. now it is bob schieffer, "quiet as mice."


Hey, as I've said previously, my multi-tasking skills are very poor. I'll be back later to read what you all had to say. Ready, set...

low-tech cyclist

SC - if you're at the airport, you're actually in Windsor Locks, not Hartford!

(I graduated from Trinity College in Hartford, one hell of a long time ago. I remember that it was a bit of a hike to the airport, which also served Springfield, MA.)

Sir Charles

l-t c,

I am indeed in Windsor Locks. Living the dream.

low-tech cyclist

I'd say, "How I envy you," except...


The split screen on MSNBC is a different experience than the single of PBS. Mitt of the smirk shown as the President speaks. Ugh.

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