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August 11, 2012


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Bill H

Well, who could he have picked that would have been any better? Both Goldwater and Regan are dead. And who could he have picked that we would not have been predicting as a disaster? Pawlenty? And why do we care? None of us are going to be voting for the idiot anyway.

Sir Charles

l-t c,

Thanks for getting this up. I can't believe that he went with the zombie-eyed granny starver.

This strikes me as pure desperation -- their internal polls must not be very good.

I think that they must believe that the MSM is going to extol his virtues -- which they will. But as will be shown to have no constituency.

low-tech cyclist

SC - I expect their internals were showing the same thing as the most recent round of national polls. It's funny, we've been hearing a lot of arguments from the right lately about how Mitt's chances are really much better than they look.

I've never understood the point of those arguments: you're only fooling yourself. But clearly neither Romney nor his core team was buying into any of those arguments.


Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum. Who else could he pick?
It's the Simon Legree Leadership Model, times two.

As for Romney's identity. He's got one. He's the guy from 8-12 states (he's not sure), who doesn't work, pays little or no income tax, has five (?) sons with basically the same name, bought his sick wife an Olympic-quality show horse to use for physical therapy, parks his car with a private elevator, and is the living embodiment of a 1980s mood ring.
You know, your typical Merkan.


He picked Ryan????

Oh Lord............

Ayn Rand would be so pleased.............


The only good thing about that is it means regardless of the outcome in November Ryan will lose his seat in the House.


you don't always want what you think you want

Another version of the adage, "Be careful what you ask for, for you may get it."


Ryan's known for his budget, all of his budget, and practically nothinig but his budget, so help us God.

And unforutunately the blind Villagers adore him for it because in their collective cluelessness that budget demonstrates that Ryan's a "serious" legislator.


Actually, come to think of it there is one other good thing about picking Ryan.

By picking Ryan Romney's made it much more difficult for the wingnuts to credibly disown the ticket if the Romney/Ryan ticket loses in November. Romney will have done the Base's bidding and lost.


If you nominate someone whose identity is tied up in One Big Thing, you've pretty much tied yourself to that One Big Thing, come hell or high water, no matter how much ambiguity you'd like to create.

Seems that could work in Tea Party Land if 'keep cutting the deficit -- it's the country's biggest challenge' is still selling in November. Let our job creators create. Unleash.

The gambit might blow by too as "Ayn Rand Joins the Ticket".

Oddjob, Dave Weigel is reporting that he won't lose his seat. Wisconsin rules allow him to retain it should they lose. I too thought we'd find our silver lining there. No such luck.





Ryan's House opponent wasted little time mailing folks. In my Inbox:

"Hi, I'm Rob Zerban. Along with President Obama and Vice President Biden, I have the unique privilege of being the other candidate who gets to defeat Paul Ryan this year.

That's because despite running for Vice President, Paul Ryan is still running for Congress in Wisconsin. And I'm his progressive opponent."

Followed by the requisite "Can you donate $3 to the cause."

If you're so inclined (I am, but I'm also broke), here's his website.


Lance Mannion has a running commentary on our VP candidate wonder and subject at hand. Ryan, very serious person and man of the hour. In the nick of time.

toko baju muslim

This really is wonderful article ! I simply love’d it !

low-tech cyclist

By picking Ryan Romney's made it much more difficult for the wingnuts to credibly disown the ticket if the Romney/Ryan ticket loses in November. Romney will have done the Base's bidding and lost.

Glad you mentioned that - one of the themes running through the campaign so far is that if Romney lost, the base could say the problem was that the GOP hadn't run a True Conservative, and could use Romney's failure as one more cudgel to keep driving the GOP further right.

I'm not sure how much of a difference not having that particular lever will make, but it can't hurt.

low-tech cyclist

I think my favorite post title about the Ryan choice was by DougJ of Balloon Juice, who reached back to e.e. cummings for "How do you like your blue-eyed boy, Mr. Death?"

kathy a.

what's not to love about a mr. budget guy who wants to screw the middle-class to improve prospects for the rich; who proudly promotes "i've got mine, get lost" as a fundamental tenant of domestic policy; who cares enough about older people to let them find the joys of the open market with vouchers for their health care; who wants women's health care to go back to the dark ages; oh, yeah, and also he thinks lotsa war is all good. but doesn't give a shit about veterans. have i missed anybody? yes -- poor people, especially kids. they won't even get vouchers, because (somebody help me here) it's better to die young and painfully than to be "dependent."

i suspect mitt of having a heart in there someplace. not his veeper of choice.

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