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August 07, 2012


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Sir Charles

Ah, it seems to be working again.

Paula B

Gee, and I was thinking Ted Nugent to appeal to the gun-toting, meth-using, sadistic, illiterate, über patriots in some of our more remote red climes. A heartbeat away...


Open thread seems closed again so I'll put this also unlikely headline here: "New Baby Orca Born to J-Pod" .

Bat boy? Is the resemblance responsible for Rick Scott's nickname? Am not up on my alien-being sighting stories. :)

kathy a.

baby! whale!

kathy a.

oh, wait -- there's a topic here. paula, while normally romney is a red-blooded 'merican NRA contribution lover who wants to blow up the enemy and such, this might not be ted's week.

anyway, my theory is that mitt is looking for a bridesmaid -- somebody they can dress up and trot out, but no danger of stealing the show. if my theory is correct, it narrows the field considerably, since it would rule out pontificating gasbags who draw headlines. also, the ideal candidate needs to be willing to wear a really ugly dress for the next four years, while smiling and biting his/her tongue. in short, june cleaver is the obvious frontrunner.

jeanne marie
Sir Charles


Wow -- that is one seriously intense video. One of the best pure videos I've ever seen. Thanks for posting.

Sir Charles


Thanks for the link. I was laughing because "J Pod" is the nickname of the repulsive Jon Podhoretz, a quintessential right wing asshole. Jon's a little bit portly, but I didn't imagine he would be giving birth to a whale.

Phil Perspective

Sir Charles:
That beats another story that I saw that said Willard will pick Mr. Vagina Probe. I didn't click on the link, fearing spam because it wasn't a known site, but if only we'd get so lucky.


Glad someone got the J-Pod joke.

JM, I saw Tom Waits, late 70's as I recall, as warm-up at a Bonnie Raitt concert. I wrote him off as a poseur at the time. Thought he was too young to be so strangely grizzled. Wow, was I wrong. Poet and genius is he. "Mule Variations" a later shocking discovery. Such decent beauty was at work. Thanks for the link.

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