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July 01, 2010


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joel hanes

You want "incredible", not "incredulous"

That said : I treasure Palin, and hope she has a long career in Republican politics -- she was the lever that finally dislodged my mother and sister, both life-long Republican voters, from the clutches of the GOP. I didn't even have to say anything -- they both, independently, came to the conclusion that they could not vote for a ticket that included "that woman", or the man who selected her. My Mom, in particular, really liked McCain until he chose Sarah.

They aren't alone. GOP allegiance among women declined nationwide, and Palin is one of the major reasons.


Fixed--thanks Joel. I do actually speak and write English pretty well, but the speed with which I had to get this one out led me to make that error. And I'm too poor to hire a full-time copyeditor. Little blogging joke ;-)

kathy a.

have you seen this post by a surgeon?


Yes, Kathy. And he's only scratching the surface of the story, that is, whether or not such a "wild ride" could be possible. I'm glad to see a medical professional step up and denounce it for the fabrication it clearly was. I think if he continues to investigate further (not saying that he will, or even that he ought to, mind you), he would also come to the conclusion that the pregnancy itself was a fabrication--that someone else is the mother.


I would say since $arah's pedestal is built on sand it will fall...but so many tele-evangists are doing just fine.
I think $arah will always make a buck, alot of hucksters and grifters do. She has pulled the wool over alot of eyes.
$arah is a tap dancing vaudeville act, doing the SHIMMY to the tune of CHA-CHING.

kathy a.

D, several commenters over there also appear to be medical professionals, and all are skeptical to say the least. the "wild ride" story strikes them as insane if not impossible. several think that trig, whoever birthed him, was born some time in advance of his announced arrival.

joel, glad to hear sarah did some political good in your family! i have the sense that is true with many GOP-leaning women. her current support base seems to be the rabid anti-abortion people [who are currently trying to market her as a new kind of feminist ~snort~], and those befuddled tea-partiers.


several think that trig, whoever birthed him, was born some time in advance of his announced arrival.

I think so too. But if people believe this, then they must also accept that Palin padded her suit in order to appear pregnant at the conference in Texas, as well as numerous public appearances (including one by a Canadian television station--will try to find the link--where she pats a square, clearly padded stomach and brags about her "firm abs"). Insane, I know. That's the point.

kathy a.

firm abs. right. because she was what, doing crunches at 7 months, with a high risk pregnancy? at that point, i couldn't see my feet without considerable effort, and i kept bumping my belly into things because i wasn't used to the bulk. neither of my kids was huge; son was under 7 lbs., and daughter just under 6; she was born 4 weeks in advance of due date.


Media did the same thing with George W Bush's Texas Air National Guard service.

Prup (aka Jim Benton)

In fact there is a piece of evidence that, if it still exists, might prove this. (If it doesn't exist, it's because such tapes aren't customarily kept, not because of any sinister reason.)

We've argued that she couldn't have gotten on a plane in her 'advanced condition of pregnancy.' But if she were wearing her 'padded suit' she would have been stopped and questioned -- and how would she have explained it?

Now, if we could only find any camera footage from her in the airports, either she would have removed the padding, or we have to find a different explanation for how she got on the planes. ("She's a Governor!!! You can't stop her from flying, whatever the rules say.")

Anyway, it would be one of the more important pieces of evidence. Especially if it showed her going through any metal detectors -- would this be allowed for someone that pregnant?


Especially if it showed her going through any metal detectors -- would this be allowed for someone that pregnant?

I seem to remember Jesse Gryphen (of the Immoral Minority) stating that she'd been given priority boarding (or similar courtesies that are extended to governors, diplomats, etc.) at both ends of the journey, so she would not have had to go through normal metal detectors or security, just shown ID.


And yes, Kathy, I was enormous at seven months. At eight months, I had gone from my normal, non-pregnant weight of about 117 lbs to 180 lbs. I'm 5' 7 1/2", too. (Okay, so not every woman gains half her body weight again, but still). It was the same with each pregnancy, only I got bigger sooner with each subsequent child. I could not cross my legs while sitting at about the 5 month point, forget lean over, and absolutely forget doing crunches! There is a flesh-and-bone baby in there, for crying out loud!

I mean, really. There are women reporters who've given birth--how could they let this all just pass unchallenged?

A commenter over at my place had a good point: the only woman journalist who's a mother and who has "anchor power" is Katie Couric, and she'd already been marked as an "anti-Palin" person due to Palin's disastrous showing (unable to name any Supreme Court cases, when asked what newspapers she liked to read, said "All of 'em"). Still. It can only speak to how utterly male-dominated the news business is that no mothers could say, This is bullshit. I'm investigating this.

Prup (aka Jim Benton)

I'd like to suggest an explanation that seems more probable, if less 'emotionally satisfying.' (Villains are always more fun to have around.) The media had been living 'The Boy Who Cried Wolf" for sixteen years -- from right and left.

"Wolf! Wolf! The Clintons killed Vince Foster (or were drug runners, or were millionaires through Whitewater" ... but there was no wolf there.

"Wolf! Wolf! Bush (or the Mossad) really blew up the Twin Towers" ... but there was no wolf there.

"Wolf! Wolf! The Republicans have fixed all the voting machines, the real votes won't matter." ... but there was no wolf there.

"Wolf! Wolf! Obama's really a secret Muslim born in Kenya and ineligible for the Presidency and hangs around with the terrorist Ayres." ... but there was no wolf there.

So when this story started getting around, isn't it far more likely that -- until they were able to get over the 'psychological impossibility' of a supposedly-vetted candidate being involved in this sort of fraud, until they had learned what Palin was really like -- they just went "Oh, no, not again!!!" and just didn't even bother to think about it.

kathy a.

i don't think i will ever forget katie couric sitting there with her mouth firmly shut, listening, and just blinking. blinking. taking a deep breath, and asking another question. and then blinking again in astonishment.

Prup (aka Jim Benton)

We all had that expression -- several times -- the more we learned about the Baroness Munchhausen.

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