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June 18, 2010


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Via Rachel: Joe Barton Would Like to Apologize.

God, I love the Intertubes.


Sir C, did any decisions resulting from cases you argued get nullified by the Supreme Court yesterday ?

big bad wolf

recent events are making me reconsider this whole democratic administration thing. if two laker nba wins and a yankee world series championship are the cost of a domcractic president, it may be worth heightening the contradictions.

kathy a.

litbrit, that's hilarious! SC, it truly was a thing of beauty, seeing the swift and widespread reaction to barton's idiocy yesterday.

mr. gardner was executed last night, by firing squad. i hope everybody involved enjoys their commemorative coins.

Sir Charles


I only had one case pending before the Board and the employer did not contest the findings of the ALJ, so I believe the decision of Board, which I just got on June 2nd, will stand. The bigger problem -- and one of the reasons why I avoid the Board like the plague -- is that the employer got away with its more egregious course of conduct in the case and prevailed in an election. It was the one I wrote about last year. The "win" was on peripheral matters and the victory more or less meaningless.

Interesting split on the decision by the way. Stevens with the bad guys and Kennedy with the good guys.


(Brief, background info. for any who might want it):

U.S. court: 2-member labor board can't decide cases

kathy a.

thanks, oddjob.

kathy a.

Nurses. Rock. Queen Meg wanted the nursing union to turn over a contact list of members so she could talk to them personally. The union responded with an invitation for a live forum in front of reporters, with Jerry also there so nurses could see both sides. And Meg's team said no thanks, describing the nurses as too political, or something.

kathy a.

Did that link work? http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/blogs/nov05election/detail?entry_id=66101&tsp=1

kathy a.

I'm just a HTML (that stands for hatemail, right?) learner. So once again.

Eric Wilde

Hooray! I've gone from senior management to individual contributor today! I am so FUCKING relieved.

Prup (aka Jim Benton)

From Nancy Pelosi this morning, h/t Susie Madrak at C&L

Washington, D.C.--Speaker Nancy Pelosi issued the following statement in response to Senate Republicans' refusal to pass jobs legislation along with the inadequate six months physician payment extension bill:

"The inadequate legislation on physicians' fees that Senate Republicans allowed to pass today is a great disappointment. The House has approved long-term reform that ensures that Medicare patients will have access to quality physicians' services.

"The bill Senate Republicans allowed to pass is not only inadequate with respect to physician fees, but it ignores urgent sections of the House bill to provide jobs. The House has repeatedly sent jobs-creating bills to the Senate since December -- Build America Bonds, small business hiring incentives, and importantly, summer jobs -- and yet Republicans continue to block approval of jobs legislation.

“What is it that Republicans in the Senate and House don't understand about the need for jobs in America?

"I see no reason to pass this inadequate bill until we see jobs legislation coming out of the Senate. House Democrats are saying to Republicans in the Senate: Show us the jobs!"

Go, Nancy!!!


Eric, care to explain?


Sir C, such is the way of labor board remedies that charges (and most complaints) of unfair labor practice are more like "yellow cards" in soccer matches than a real quasi-criminal complaint from a true regulatory agency. There's a reasons 99% of ULPs' are settled for a small concession at the end of collective bargaining.

kathy a.

yikes, i messed that one up... they are trying to reinstate the superfund tax, and already getting complaints about the unfairness to bidness.


Rand Paul hits yet another rhetorical home run (NOT):

Rand Paul To Unemployed: Quit Whining And Get Back To Work

kathy a.

to loop back to deborah's thread about [in part] hideously huge compensation packages for corporate CEO's -- there would be more jobs if corporations were not putting all their energy into corporate profits and particularly enormous packages for corporate big-wigs.

also, rand paul is a buffoon.

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