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March 04, 2010


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MR Bill

Well, blind pig, and all that...
Broder making sense is almost as brain wrenching as sound advice from Richard Cohen.
Take heart, though, we don't have to worry about humanity from Krauthammer, moral clarity from Gerson, or honesty from Will.


Truly, the apocalypse is upon us.


Or intelligence from Kristol, maturity from Douthat, or basic mastery of the English language from Palin!

low-tech cyclist

The thing is, up until now I'd have never dreamed that Broder believes the nation is in genuine peril. His other recent columns certainly haven't reflected the sort of urgency that one would expect to accompany that belief, nor have they reflected any sort of desire to clearly identify the perils, or clearly point out who's really trying to deal with them, who's just pretending, and who's not even bothering with the pretense of trying to solve our problems.


Yeah, this must be especially traumatic for you, huh, l-t c?

You have my sympathy.

low-tech cyclist

Oh, it's hardly traumatic, no more so than if George Will decided to tell the truth about climate change, or if Richard Nixon, back in the day, had invited Rap Brown and Elridge Cleaver over for drinks.

I'm just thinking: OK, Broder, if you really believe this, could we have a little follow-through here?


One is tempted to speculate that Broder is miffed at not being included in this latest round of DC's favorite game ("Who's-up-who's-down-who's-in-who's-out"), or something.

Sir Charles

MR Bill,

I was going to invoke the proverbial blind squirrel.

l-t c,


I guess Broder really doesn't like Dana Milbank. Or Rahm Emanuel.

I'm going to an event with some Posties on Saturday. I must make inquiries.

minstrel hussain boy

i've been in l.a. playing a funeral, and therefore pretty much outta touch the last few.

if the posties come to netroots, we can get them out by the pool at the palms.

then they can be post toasties...

Krubozumo Nyankoye

LTC - I wouldn't credit it over much. Even if this bit of shall we say reformed punditry is sincere at some level, once one has established a firm reputation as a spin master or just plain liar, it becomes difficult to regain any credibility. And even if it is sincere, what actual effect will it have? I am guessing nearly none.
Although it might sell a few papers.

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