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November 05, 2009


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minstrel hussain boy

here's another part of most sci-fi stuff like this that eludes me...

so, figure that last year on earth, there were over 2million children who died from diarrhea caused by drinking contaminated water.

these aliens, that plucky, resourceful humans will fight, and beat, have mastered insterstellar flight.

we, on the other hand, have not mastered safe drinking water.

shouldn't be much of a fight yo.

we're gonna outsmart them? yeah. right.

(i do admit to liking the show though. i'm old enough to remember the original)

Sir Charles

I think it's only fair to warn our readers that John is Canadian and speaks our language perfectly. Beware!

joel hanes

I know that engineers who respond analytically to humorously-intended hypotheticals are a stone drag in conversation (unless serving as the butt of the joke).

But in my engineering way, I'm moved to point out that Earth's moon actually seems to be relatively impoverished in metals compared to the Earth. Possibly the Earth was already well-differentiated when some enormous impactor splashed a blob of of lighter silicates and aluminum compounds from the crust into orbit to become the Moon -- at any rate, while the Earth's average density is 5.52 g/cubic centimeter, the Moon's is only 3.34 g/cubic centimeter. because Earth has this big core of iron and other heavy metals, and the Moon's relatively smaller.

It's also instructive to compare the reflectivity (albedo). Earth is quite reflective, at 0.37, with enormous variation over the surface. The moon reflects less than a third as much incident light, at 0.12, and more uniformly. For this reason, and because the moon has a 28-day solar period, it's perfectly accurate to state

"there is no dark side of the Moon really ... as a matter of fact it's all dark"

Three comments in, and nobody has stated the obvious? Well then, I shall . . .

I for one welcome our hypothetical alien overlords.


People man. Dead ones. My hunch is they are grave robbers. I have yet to watch it, but if I like it, I hope this doesn't turn into another "Invasion" show.

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