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November 07, 2009


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Ray M

Words fail to describe the utter stupidity of these people, along with the morally bankrupt politicians who encourage them.


kathy a.

oh, litbrit! this is just fabulous. i have no idea why people pay for reality programming, when there are enough free-range nuts to keep us entertained -- including those who swore allegience to the constitution, but might have thought it was really the declaration of independence, such is their dedication and intellect!

Prup (aka Jim Benton)

Another quote from my favorite eldery -- meant to write 'elderly' but I like the typo -- blogger, Morialekafa .

From last night:

Goebbels, it turns out, might have been a pioneer when it came to lying, but he is now passé. It was Herr Goebbels, I believe, who said something to the effect that “if you tell a big lie often enough people will come to believe it.” Rove, Bush and Cheney refined that technique by discovering that if you tell constant lies about everything, all the time, truth simply becomes completely irrelevant. That is what I think is going on now. We have reached the point where the lies have become so commonplace and ubiquitous that no one has any idea of truth anymore. This is why Republicans can now say anything they wish, no matter how unbelievably ridiculous, and there will be at least some who will believe them. And it is also why whatever Democrats say cannot be believed because no one believes there is any truth anymore. Thus when Republicans say the Obama health care proposals mean that old people will be put to death, no Democratic denial matters, because we have all been conditioned to understand that no one tells the truth. If Bachmann claims there were 50,000 or 500,000 supporters at her rally in D.C., and someone else claims there were a million, the police claim of 4,000 is no more acceptable than the larger numbers, because who knows anymore who is lying? If Republicans claim a huge victory in the election last Tuesday, and Democrats think otherwise, who is to know? Everything nowadays is just considered “spin” because that is what we have been fed for the past eight or more years. I have to concede, however grudgingly, that this was a brilliant strategy on the part of Bush/Cheney. The result of it is that nothing can be taken seriously as there is no truth. If I say Cheney is a blatant war criminal who should be prosecuted for his terrible unconstitutional and illegal atrocities, others will say he saved us from a fate worse than death, and who is to be the wiser? If I say we have no reason to be in Afghanistan and should get out as soon as possible, others will say that is unthinkable, but no one seems willing to explain why.

kathy a.

oh, prup. that is an excellent passage. how sadly true.


That is what I think is going on now. We have reached the point where the lies have become so commonplace and ubiquitous that no one has any idea of truth anymore.

To see what is in front of one's nose needs a constant struggle.
- George Orwell


Orwell understood. I'm sure that's why he wrote 1984.


oddjob, you wouldn't believe how many people sent me that link!

It may well be one of Jon Stewart's best ever. I was going to post it, but surely everyone has seen it by now?

Ah hell, I'll post it...it's so good, I've watched it four times. ;-)

Prup (aka Jim Benton)

Yes, kathy, he writes something that good every day. I don't always agree with everything but he's a must-read, and belongs (with Findlaw's writ) on the column to the left of the page.

(If someone has to go, I -- sadly -- nominate Jon Swift (inactive since March) and Everybody Laughs at Broder -- one post since July and that by l-tc, and we've got him here -- I think.)


Prup, thanks for that excerpt. It's superb.

Sir Charles

These hideously stupid fat fucks are really starting to bug me -- might I add that they were also being assisted by union members. The DC EMTs are all unionized.

If these people were really principled they simply would have gone Galt and expired on the spot.

Prup (aka Jim Benton)

Sir Charles: Did you notice that, when Glenn Beck was rushed to the hospital -- won't make a nasty joke here -- he wound up praising the 'wonderful' nurses he had -- all members of SEIU?

litbrit: he does that every day, seriously. One long piece, but always that strong.

kathy a.

but sir charles, emergency medical care descends from off-stage as if by magic! it is just there! what are people complaining about??

kathy a.

should someone suffer a heart attack at a south central LA corner market [choosing among the overpriced canned and frozen offerings, since nothing fresh is available and the nearest supermarket is a few miles away], OK, maybe the capital medical corps won't be there quite as fast.


OT, but related:

Gives new meaning to "the Party of NO".

Hat tip, Sully.

kathy a.

oh, holy cow, oddjob.

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