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June 04, 2009

Get well soon, Sir Charles!


Sir C will be pissed at me for this, I'm sure, but oh well--he's the one who had a rather nasty health scare this week; I'm  just an innocent little fellow Cogblogger who's letting readers and contributors know so they can direct some prayers, positive vibes, and healing thoughts toward the nation's capital (which could use as many prayers, positive vibes, and healing thoughts as we can muster on any given day).

When Sir C emerges hereabouts, which I hope will be soon, be sure to ask him about Nurse Bushwhacker.  Rest up and get well soon, my friend.

[Go ahead and be pissed at me, C, ha! We love you and miss you, and we look forward to your return. XXX D.]


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He's ill? Is he okay?

He's fine, though he had a bit of a scare. Ask him to send you his hilarious rendition of the events.

Sir Charles - I hope you're reading this thread. Glad to hear you're OK! And please share your "hilarious rendition of the events" in this space, 'kay?

Get well soon, Sir...

Yes, Sir C, you MUST share. And rest, of course, but maybe you can haul your industrial-sized laptop onto the couch and jump in sometime soon.

sir C, hope you're feeling better.

Oh No! Get well soon, Sir Charles! You are missed!

Hey! All is well. A little scare, a couple of days in the hospital, much technology employed on my behalf, including, dare I say it, a helicopter.

I will do a post on this while convalescing. Like most things in life it did have its amusing and educational elements.

a helicopter! my goodness. i join the rest in wishing you well and a quick recovery

You hijacked a helicopter? That's badass!

What happened? A car accident? I hope you are well Sir C.

Take care, Sir C. We need your lubricated lucidity very much.

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