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May 31, 2009


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kathy a.

Randall Terry, founder of Operation Rescue, called Tiller "a mass murderer. We grieve for him that he did not have time to properly prepare his soul to face God."

these people are sick.

kathy a.

quote above from the washington post report.

kathy a.

from the LA times: http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-na-tiller1-2009jun01,0,7068875.story

But Warren Hern, a Colorado physician and close friend of Tiller's who said he is now "the only doctor in the world" who performs very late-term abortions, said Tiller's death was predictable.

"I think it's the inevitable consequence of more than 35 years of constant anti-abortion terrorism, harassment and violence. George is the fifth American doctor to be assassinated. I get messages from these people saying, 'Don't bother wearing a bulletproof vest, we're going for a head shot.' "


kathy - sick indeed.

i clicked some of the first links on Google Blogs on this story, one was Gateway Pundit ... so many sick people.

My heart goes out to Tiller's family ... and to any doctor performing abortions who now surely feels a little less safe again about his life.


This is horrible. What sick, twisted people indeed.

I second nimh's sentiment: Dr. Tiller's family are in my thoughts.

kathy a.

i doubt that anyone involved with comprehensive women's health services -- even those that merely counsel that abortion is an option -- has felt really safe for decades. this wasn't the first time dr. tiller was shot, and he is far from the only victim of violence and intimidation.

a good bit of responsibility lies with the heinous, irresponsible, inflammatory and hateful rhetoric of those opposing abortion rights most loudly -- the flagships of which try to pass themselves off as examples of moral perfection, and good citizens.

if any other movement of any stripe preached such outright hated, and wontonly painted law-abiding citizens as the most horrible of criminals, over and over, posting their home addresses and urging whatever action it takes, i strongly suspect there would be repurcussions.

Glamour Girl

It's domestic terrorism, pure and simple.

Yet the MSM doesn't call it that. Won't use the word "terrorism" in this context.

(As a sidebar, to all the torture-lovers out there, what say we waterboard this murderer's Bible-belt colleagues to discover their next plan of attack? How do you like that idea?)

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