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February 19, 2009

My Plan To Save The Economy

Have you seen this gem of a video?

Here's part of Santelli's little sermon (via dday):

The government is promoting bad behavior... I'll tell you what, I have an idea. The new Administration's big on computers and technology. How about this, President and new Administration, why don't you put up a Web site to have people vote on the Internet as a referendum to see if we really want to subsidize the loser's mortgages, or would we like to at least buy cars and buy houses in foreclosure and give them to people who might have a chance to actually prosper down the road and reward people who actually carry the water instead of drink the water...

I'll tell you what, Santelli.  Howz about you and I meet in some public place and I beat your head with a large stick?  I'll get pledges from the people in this country "who actually carry the water instead" of getting massive government bailouts because they fucked up not only their own industry, but the entire economy - intentionally, because they knew that they'd make a bunch of money doing it and that they could leave the taxpayers on the hook for their criminal excesses.

People could pledge for all sorts of things, in our fun exchange of ideas.  I could probably raise enough for a whole new stimulus bill.


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I saw that little hissyfit and said Girls, girls... . It's like a bunch of girls at a birthday party, and someone points out the fact that the balloons are the wrong color and everyonejust freezea and we all know the rest of the night is shot, fun-wise, so we say adieu.

(That should be freezes, not freezea. Sleeping pills, they are a' kicking in, hooray.)

But yeah, hissyfit over someone who might get a slightly better deal with his mortgage company than you do? Grow up. Try being pissed about, oh, let's say about the masses of big wigs who've been revealed as holders of accounts at the Swiss Bank UBS, wherein lie the deposits of many billions of dollars (no taxes). It's safe to say that some of those secret Swiss account holding-folks know more about how the meltdown started. Certainly they know they ought to pay more taxes. Should be interesting.

I heard Scarborough refer to the people who receive the earned income credit as losers the other day. He then implied we are giving welfare to people who don't work.

I must say, there are days when I would like to bring a mighty vengance down on the heads of these cockroaches.

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