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January 30, 2009


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Hahahahahaha! Terrific essay. I liked the idea of building a pit trap in order to catch rabbit, deer, and other journalists.

Seriously, I would do whatever I could to make sure Robert was healthy and alive and, most importantly, close by. Because within six hours of civilization's collapse, he'd have built us an entire house out of bamboo, complete with bamboo pipes--even an extra-large-diameter one leading away from the tree-stump toilet we all know the boys are going to clog immediately--and a stylishly modernist thatched roof that will never leak, proving once and for all that the ways and means of the Old World (and by Old World, he means Italy) remain not only viable, but necessary.

Me, I'd spend the time hunting for coconuts to render so I could make hair conditioner. The apocalypse would be stressful enough without the prospect of having to detangle my yards of crowning glory using only a plastic comb swiped from some dead guy's breast-pocket.

Sir Charles

Whingeing and binging indeed. I fear that my skills as a lawyer are not terribly apocalypse friendly.

If you want to read a less lighthearted depiction of post-apocalyptic life I recommend "The Road" by Cormac McCarthy.

Lisa Simeone

Yep. Read it. Loved it. Hope the movie is half as good.


I almost rented Mad Max the other day for some post-apocalypse living tips. Thanks to Lisa (and Tanya) I don't have to!


Very funny :-)

Yeah, I'd be completely useless post-apocalypse. Might as well off myself right there and then.

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