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November 26, 2008


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Don't you mean your inner Nicholas Beaudrot? There's really no reason to let that dullard Nate Silver tarnish the sterling Beaudrot brand.

Sir Charles


Except Nick would never have made such a dull presentation with numbers. There would have been a colorful representation of the statistics in a beautifully prepared map. Me, I'm just happy to have become marginally competent in using typepad.

Plus, you should show more respect for the fourth hottest every day man in America.

Neil the Ethical Werewolf

I so wish the web had existed when I was in college.

I feel that way about blogs and high school. I would've loved being a high school age political blogger of the Dylan Matthews / Matt Zeitlin variety.

But anyway, I really like this post. It's interesting to see that a big part of youth support for Obama is young people being black / Hispanic, and not so much young whites being more liberal than their parents.


As a Buckeye, who grew up in Central Ohio and is now living in Northeast Ohio, it would be interesting to see how those numbers break down between the Appalachian Counties, the Northeastern Counties, and the rest of the state.

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