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September 30, 2008

Tackling Working Class Racism Head On

I highly recommend this speech to the United Steelworkers by Rich Trumka, Secretary Treasurer of the AFL-CIO and former President of the United Mine Workers, addressing the issue of racism among working class people as an issue in the campaign. It's a real cri de coeur (a phrase I try to avoid around mine workers) against both racism and silence in its face.  When you watch something like this, you realize why the idea of strong unions terrifies the Republican Party. 

I was also struck by several references to creating clean energy jobs -- pretty cool coming from a UMW member.   


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(Well, statistically tied, anyway! :-))

Wow. Cri de coeur is right. Very emotional, very powerful.

(I'd send it to some of my USW-member, GI-Bill-New-Deal-benefitting relatives, but it would be pointless. They drank the Kool-Aid long ago.)

Maybe coming from Trumka it would resonate. He's so clearly the genuine, been in the coal mines, article -- even if he does have a law degree.

I have immense respect for Trumka, he's very passionate and very smart.

Sir C,

Alas, no. It won't matter. Believe me, they are beyond reach. I forget who it was who first said that some people inhabit an evidence-free zone. But whoever it was got it right.

Holy shit, that gave me goosebumps. Thanks for posting it, C.

I've known of him since the 80's (having gone to Penn State and having lived most of my life in Pennsylvania will do that, especially when you have a habit of noticing Slavic surnames - don't ask why; I have no clue), but I've never heard him before. This is very eloquent. Thanks for posting it!

You're all quite welcome. I'm a huge fan myself. He spoke to a large group of union lawyers that I was in many years ago and really had us charged up -- and we're not the easiest group in the world to move. A lot of calluses.

A lot of calluses.

LOL! Especially since 1980!

The left needs more spokespeople exactly like this guy. Actually we need to guys like this this guy way more prominent.

One of my colleagues was noting how perfect Trumka is to deliver this message, both in terms of tone and looks. I described it as a "don't make me stop this car" tone. It gets the message across with a little cuff to the back of the head.

Dude, Sully

Wonderful, inspiring speech by Rich Trumka. We need more speakers like him to speak the truth to the American people.

This stirring speech is the real genuine voice of the heart of the American people. I have chills from hearing his honesty. Thank you Rich- I hope that the SWO will push very hard to have new rail systems built all over our country so that we can use this form of efficient mass transportation just as Europe and other developed nations have so that there are more jobs for Americans and that more people can travel without burning fossil fuels or using public highways.

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