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September 29, 2008

Moving The Football

It's hard to read this whine from obnoxious GOP whippersnapper Doogie Howser Adam Putnam (R-FL) as anything other than an admission that House Republicans were looking for any pretext they could find to vote against the bailout.

We are now clearly at the point where anyone who thinks the country needs to be governed by adults cannot in good conscience vote for any Republican running for Federal office.

Update: Rep. David Obey (D-WI) does the right thing and calls the Manly GOP Daddies in Suits a bunch of sissies who can't deliver the votes when the chips are down.

Update II: Right, the Crybaby Caucus. Say it loud, say it proud.


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Now you're just trying to up our google hit rate.

Adam Putnam does look a lot like Hoody Doody.

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