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August 21, 2008

Damn your delicious-looking cheeseburger, Ezra Klein

What I'd be having for dinner would soon become inescapable once I opened up Bloglines this afternoon. 


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I like mine with lettuce and tomato
Heinz 57 and french fried potato
Big kosher pickle and a cold draft beer
I said "good God Almighty, which way do I steer?

It's funny -- I was in NYC last weekend and popped into a TGIFridays (hey I can't eat at Nobu every night -- plus I thought I might run into the McGreevy party of three). Anyway, they had detailed calorie listings on the menu and it most definitely influenced my choice. I was pretty horrified at the calorie level in most of the offerings.

When I was poor (not that I'm not now, but...) I was counting calories in the how-many-can-I-get-for-a-buck sense, or check how much nutrition was in each loaf of bread I was buying to make sure I got the best dollar for overall dietary balance. The cheapest bread was often the bread with the least nutrition, and the most expensive bread sometimes the most. But sales would change this, and I would be doing the math in my head as I stood by the bakery section holding my food coupons.

Now I don't want many calories, but I'm more concerned with whether this is made with milk products (so I don't poison one friend or sicken another) or whatnot, and the information is useful in other ways. Maybe I only want half of the $5 burger because it's far too many calories to eat on a day I'm not doing heavy work.

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