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February 27, 2008

One Million Strong For Barack Obama

Well, he's done it. Barack Obama has built Howard Dean's Army. He passed one million donors overnight, and Lord knows how many people are on his mailing list. There's an unanswered question about just how much larger the movement can grow—as with the original "One Million Strong" on facebook, which grew to 300,000 very quickly but stalled there for a while, his donor base might top out at some point—but already it's an impressive operation.

[Quick Bleg: There's a TNR article about the Obama ground campaign, and how it had learned from the mistakes of the Dean campaign. Anyone know where it is? Here it is]


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Only about 10% of signups actually use a successful web networking site each month. So, stalling out at 300K isn't really news... There's only so many people using the service, and it is international.

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