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February 20, 2008


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And he's soft on Al Qaeda while being hard-on lobbyists.

And here we have it, ladies and gentlemen: Cogitamus Sentence of the Week!


*does a little dance on the dining table*

*wonders how long Huckabee has known*

(Hey, is it me, or do all McCain's women kind of look alike?)

As TRex says, Who wants popcorn?

Sir Charles

I try to aim high by aiming low. Or something self-justifiying like that.

And yes, I'd say John definitely has a certain type.

low-tech cyclist

Al Giordano, in a piece he wrote last September, embedded a YouTube of a training session at the NYC branch of Camp Obama.

It's worth a look. (The article or the video, either one, but especially the video.)

I knew Obama had been sinking serious money into organization, but I only had a loose idea of what that meant.

This is brilliant. Absolutely brilliant.

How can anyone be a topnotch community organizer, a serious policy wonk, the best political speaker of our generation, and a master political strategist, all at the same time?

McCain doesn't stand a chance.

Sir Charles


One of my law partners volunteered for the Obama campaign in DC and reports that it was just brilliantly organized from soup to nuts. A totally well oiled machine, not something one normally associates with liberal causes anymore.

jack lecou

Seriously, I did not just now need the mental image of McCain "being hard-on lobbyists".

Sir Charles


You've got to take the bitter with the sweet here on the Cogblog. Think of him shouting "My Friends!" at the crucial moment. Okay, that was mean -- possibly torture.

jack lecou

I confess to somehow finding Obama's well-oiled machine a great deal more appealing.

Sir Charles


Hmmmmmmmm. Another depraved liberal I see. You can't just bend over for empty words like that -- My Friend!!!


A totally well oiled machine, not something one normally associates with liberal causes anymore.

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