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December 22, 2007


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"Remember the Adage "You Get What You Pay For""

$19.99+ you get 1 good song and 6 tracks of crap. RIAA just can't bring them selves to realize people are so pro Pirate because for years we didn't get what we paid for.

The Adage RIAA really needs to be concerned about is "Do onto others as you would have them do to you" followed by a appropraite metaphor "da chickens done comehome to roost."

MySpace music pages coupled with a more informed talent base will allow us to cut out the labels in a few years. I have friends that are putting out Albums yearly with videos. The younger generation of musicians are being raised on self distribution. Labels offer a quick payday and a quick route to fame but they hardly have a lock on success like they use to.

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