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December 24, 2007

Steve Martin's Christmas Wishes

I can't argue with a single one of Steve's Christmas Wishes*--they all sound perfectly reasonable to me, heh heh.

But I will add to his list my own hopes for peace,  and of course a big, all-embracing wish that everyone who stops by this page will have a wild and crazy Christmas Eve--one that's filled with color and sparkle and children climbing on you and grownups handing you yet more things to eat and sloppy kisses from ecstatic dogs and Yes, please, more wine, and generally too much of everything.  Just what Santa's helpers everywhere need if we're going to bust out of the bleakness that has plagued December thus far and ready ourselves for the Big Day tomorrow.  That, and lots more alcohol.

Happy Birthday to my Baby Brother, who turns 45 today.

Alla famiglia!

*Via Bob Cesca's Goddamn Awesome Blog.

Also at litbrit.


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merry christmas, litbrit!
for all things,
bright and beautiful.

Thank you, jacqueline! Merry Christmas and Blessed Hannukah (belatedly) to you, too.

May 2008 be a magic year for the artists and dreamers and peaceful of heart.


Someone got a hold of my wish list I see.

He pretty much nails the spirit of the season in toto.

Merry Christmas.

Buon Natale e Tanti Auguri per l'Anno Nuovo! E va (andate) fanculo (mi dispiace, scusatemi, etc. etc.), tutti di voi che non vi piace tutte queste cose di Natale; dovete imparare come ridere. Che peccato che siete così senza umore!

Tuttavia, baci a tutti quanti!

I didn't know you had a thing for Rosanna Arquette.

Not that there's anything wrong with that, of course.

Ah, I was more interested in the results, not the participants. But yeah, if it were my thing, Rosanna and Paulina are contemporaries and one could certainly do worse in the looks department. :-)

A Merry Christmas to Stephen and all the Stephenitos.

Also, Merry Christmas, Fair Solstice, and Happy Festivus (etc. etc.) to Ankush, Neil, John, Nicholas, Sir Charles, and Sara, too. Cheers to a thrilling (and thrillingly Blue) '08!

And of course, Grazie mille e Buon Natale a Lisa--siamo d'accordo in tutte cose di Natale. *aaai!*

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