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November 22, 2010


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The Sydney Morning Herald is reporting the publication of 100 of the 'non-storable' scans on the Gizmodo website, here. That's not going to calm things down at all, is it?


Yeah, I guess. The Herald seems to have snarfed up its links so you can't cut and paste them. Welcome to irrelevance, idiots.
It's being reported on the front page of the Sydney Morning Herald website in the last hour, which I'd link to if it worked. Here is the link they give: http://gizmodo.com/5690749/these-are-the-first-100-leaked-body-scans which includes 100 images.

Sir Charles

Hey Emma,

What did people down there make of the South Koreans having a charicature of your Prime Minister dressed in traditonal Austrian as opposed to Australian clothes?

I recently rented a car down in Florida with a GPS with an Australian male accent -- it took me twenty minutes to make the five minute drive to my hotel. Plus it kept trying to take me to bars.


I thought it was hilarious, and it was certainly widely reported with pictures of the Julia Gillard doll in her Oktoberfest outfit. It's a very common mistake. I have had my English complimented by Americans who thought I should be a native German speaker for the same reason.

I can imagine your garrulous GPS. I bet he was boasting about anything and everything, that would be in character ;-) But most US-ians find our accent adorably cute, so much so that they can't hear what we are saying. I once gave a paper at an academic conference which I had taken a 20+ hour flight to get to (in Maine) and the first two questions were about my accent. Sheesh!

Lisa Simeone

The NYT just did an article -- simultaneously hilarious and poignant -- about How Not To Tawk Like A New Yawker. In that same vein, I would recommend a great documentary called AMERICAN TONGUES.

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