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June 17, 2010


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C, I am going to send you my pharmacy bill this month. Be prepared--it's going to be a whopper.

Those pro-whaling people are the ebola of the Pacific Basin.


We need Kirk, Spock and the boys to get back here with that Klingon bird of prey and fuck some whalers' shit up.



low-tech cyclist

Well, now I can understand why the Japanese are pro-whaling. Can you imagine being beset by 25-foot-long cockroaches? I'd want to harpoon a few of 'em too!

Humor aside, yeah, this really sucks.

Sir Charles

Couldn't they get really big glue traps?

kathy a.

lobsters are the cockroaches of the ocean. and distantly related to cockroaches, biologically.

i can report that noplace i visited in japan was beset by whales, nor were whales a household problem [garden problem, roadside hazard, etc.] when i lived there.

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