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December 20, 2009


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Also, some things don't really belong on that list. For example, under "The endless sports season," they show a picture of Hideki Matsui. Yet baseball has had its current season length and playoff format since 1994, meaning that if it is a truly bad idea, it's a folly of the 1990s. I'm not sure it's a bad idea, either, as it makes money for the teams and gives fans of a particular sport more opportunities to see their teams play. Sounds like a win on both counts.

There are many things more deserving of inclusion, like the Iraq War.

MR Bill

From the WaPo perspective, the Glorious Iraq War was a success: more jobs in the DC area, great stories of manly militarism in the news, smashing parties by defense contractors flush with cash, Libural discomfort, and it is entertaining! Majors and Generals to swoon over!
Other real worst ideas of decade: Dick Cheney's insane Unitary Authority theories (including the discovery of a heretofore unknown 4th branch of government with the Vice President being Both Executive and Legislative), the "Iraq Libre as free-market/libertarian experiment" (Epic Fail). Mass use of 'faith-based' abstinence only sex ed.; Guantanamo...

MR Bill

And a happy solstice to the thinking people writing and commenting here. I hope your holidays are filled with light and joy, and that the New Year goes a little easier...
From a furry woodland creature somewhere near Trendy Blue Ridge GA.


Unitary Authority theories

Truly! Who knew that the Constitution was written to create a rolling 4-year despotism (subject to re-election, of course)?

Ron E.

Worst idea of the decade: Palm Beach County's butterfly ballot in 2000.

Sir Charles


Talk about a butterfly flapping its wings and creating a tidal wave or some such thing . .

l-t c,

But the Iraq War remains double plus good in the eyes of Fred Hiatt. God, he's such a tool.

Prup (aka Jim Benton)

Sir Charles -- his comment to Ron -- wins the thread hands down.

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