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November 25, 2008


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low-tech cyclist

I loved the part, about 3:30 in, where the optimistic guy asks Peter Schiff, "What artificial lending standards are you talking about??"

I had to restrain myself from laughing out loud.

Sir Charles

Wow! Wow! Unbelievable indeed.

Were I Peter Schiff I would be even more insufferable than I already am.

And what a bunch of idiots opposing him. Anyone who takes financial advice from these clowns needs to have his head examined.

Benjamin Rider

That's hilarious. But it took some guts to go out and say those things when nobody else seemed to believe him.

MR Bill

The insane bit is that so many of the 'clowns' are still employed, Sir Charles, and even sort of (in the incomprehensible case of Ben Stein) revered...And it clearly displays the wealth worship and sort of financial boosterism practiced in the last decades by the 'liberal' media/business press..
As I've said before, the worst thing for the right is being correct on a prediction too soon.

Lisa Simeone

It gets better: Limbaugh and Hannity are already calling this the "Obama recession."

I kid you not.

You can't make this shit up.

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