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January 16, 2008

Here Comes Your Next Faux Pelosi Controversy

New House cafeteria menu has eco-friendly ingredients that John Boehner (R-OH) has either never heard of, or wants his constituents to believe he's never heard of. And sushi[1]! What sort of California liberal operation does Nancy Pelosi think she's running! Obviously if Ronald Reagan were running for President, the House cafeteria menu would immediately become a campaign issue, along with George Bush's insistence on replacing the greenback with Monopoly money. This is America, people!

After the headscarf and the airplane, Pelosi managed to keep a low profile for most of 2007. Hopefully the House Leadership's PR operation has been thinking about how to combat this sort of BS.

[1] Just for clarity, there are now twice as many sushi restaurants in Boise, Idaho (eight) as there are Cracker Barrels in the entire state of Colorado (four).


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I thought that belligerent ignorance was actually going out of fashion. I guess Boehner knows what he's doing, though, and is just giving his constituents what they want.

How sad.

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